Hd650 vs hd6xx. The total cost for the hd6xx in Europe is €270 euro.
Hd650 vs hd6xx If you play games you will instantly notice the difference. The volume difference is 10 o'clock vs. All pads on the headphones are new OEM pads. However, the HD 600 are more stable. Drop also released the HD58X Jubilee in 2018, but it’s a 150 ohm driver, not 300 ohm like the original HD580, and has more in common with the HD660S. Sometimes I miss the intimacy HD6XX but the Sundara's outweigh them for everything else! 100% great point on the HD6xx quality in the price bracket; the Elex wowed me in the oluv's gadget's sound demo, but at my level of active listening, there wasn't a huge 3-4x level difference from him alternating to the HD600s - diminishing returns definitely. It is similar to HD 600 in that the subjective aspects (detail, dynamics) are significantly better as well. Less in your face mid-range. 5mm plug, and an adapter for 6. The problem is that they aren't going to ship anymore of them until September at least. I owned both HD650 and DT770 80 Ohm at the same time and enjoyed both. Nov 22, 2024 · The Sennheiser x Massdrop/Drop HD6XX was launched in 2016, available only via (Mass)drop’s online store. 650 is going to be less fatiguing and more mild and darker for long listening- but the initial appeal of 990’s exciting sound is definitely attention grabbing! I need to do another comparison, but what this tells me is the HD6XX and Susvara stands toe-to-toe with mid tier amps. Price comparison. However, the HD 660S2 come with a dustbag to help protect them when not in use and an Nov 11, 2021 · Design-wise, the HD6XX features midnight blue plastics, vs grey on the HD650, and the older, more rounded design, like my own HD650. While this is obviously fixable with oratory's +10db eq to subbass, I have also heard that the HD6xx does not handle subbass well in general (in terms of quality, and not Aug 27, 2020 · The HD58X has a similar ‘warmth’ as the current HD650 (2017) but with better bass extension. 8m cable, terminated in a 3. HD650 is more detailed/textured in the midrange; it reproduces more details like throatiness, raspiness, spitiness. Using my portable setup- iPhone/iPad (always lossless when available) and the Dragonfly Red, or my desktop audio interface In fairness, these are a pretty hard comparison to make between the two because, even looking at raw data (HD600 InnerFidelity Charts vs. Pros: Very comfortable (at least on my head) Overall great sound performance, especially mid range Relatively light A bit more warm / lay back, great for all day listening quality and quality control Cons: Not as much details as the 1990, less nice deep bass DT 1990 Pro. Here are the physical differences between the HD600, HD650 and HD6XX's audio reproductive parts (so ignoring finish differences, HD650 has the nicest finish IMO retaining the old shiny grey countertop look whilst the 600 has moved to flat grey, and the 6XX always had a dark blue flat finish). I'm hoping to get the most neutral, true-to-mix sound possible from one of these headphones. Basically with the 598, 600 and 650 it all comes down to preferences. HD650 – Definitely the warmest out of the bunch, but a bit too laid-back and dull 2 days ago · The HD600 offers neutral and balanced sound, the HD650 is known for its slightly warmer sound signature and improved bass, while the HD6XX is a Massdrop-exclusive version of the HD650 with a slightly lower price. There hasn't been a change in driver structure, and both headphones sound fairly neutral. The 5K is plenty powerful, can be used balanced, and has a really good EQ if you decide to tweak the sound of the HD6xx. They feature very similar sound profiles that lack low-bass delivery with a somewhat recessed treble range. On a personal note, I had the HD650 and found them just ok sounding overall - this is me coming from a slightly brighter sounding Hifiman HE-400i and eventually selling both and keeping the Hifiman HE-500. The Sennheiser HD 6XX are better audiophile headphones than the Sennheiser HD 660S2. If HD650 bass was akin to a firm handshake of a man, the HD600 was perhaps more like a gentler uhh woman's handshake I guess without getting too sexist lol. HD650 is a little south of neutral in the treble and doesn't sound sharp/sibilant. However, immediately I noticed that the HD6XX sounds: a bit more bright. For most people, the Sennheiser HD 560S are slightly better headphones than the Sennheiser HD 6XX, but it depends on usage. For those who want to cut the chase, the winner of the comparison is the HD660S Sennheiser headphones. I also has some issues with the treble, comparing xs to my ananda, it feels like xs has more treble airiness. 5mm cable for the HD6xx so you can use the balanced output of the 5K. The HD6XX has a tiny bit less clamping force than my HD650 but otherwise comfort is identical. HD650 InnerFidelity Charts, yes it's for HD650's, but that pretty much what these are), there are only some minor differences in resolution and a slight jump in impulse response. I mostly listen to orchestral music (film and video game scores), and various rock genres (Queen, Mastodon, Stevie Ray Vaughan, pretty eclectic range overall). You should consider the HD58X. ) From all the reviews I've read, they are the exact same driver. But for all other genres, I prefer the HD58X because it is more engaging. Get a balanced 2. The Sennheiser HD 650 and the Sennheiser HD 598 are very similarly-performing open-back over-ear headphones. The biggest difference between the two models is that the HD 650 are a bit more comfortable, so you can wear them for longer than the HD 600. HD 600 And Learn Everything You Need To Know Before Making a Decision!! Originally published 4/29/19. The HD 600 should be a $200 headphone, HD 650 $250. First comparing the HD6XX and HD650 the obvious difference is the color and feel of the plastic, the HD6XX plastic does feel cheaper but I actually personally prefer the look of the very dark blue color to the grey. Dec 25, 2024 · Two headphones. vs. They're basically the same headphones, get the HD6XX and save the budget you have left to get an amp. SmithyNZ If the HD 650 seems louder, it’s probably the pads are allowing your ears to come closer to the driver. However, don't get me wrong, the HD650 is a fantastic headphone in its own right versus the price you pay. With gaming being the priority, what pair of headphones would you recommend? ATH-AD700X, K702, K712, Sundara, HD 700, etc. 12 for the 650s. Q: Do the Sennheiser HD600, HD650 and HD6XX headphones require an amp for optimal performance? HD600, HD6xx (aka HD650), and the newer, more divisive HD660s. They've long been bested technically in the $400+ range. The differences are the midbass boost on the 6XX, together with their lowered treble, however, I have constantly changed them to compare (including the 58X) and sometimes I get them mixed up and not knowing which Most likely case is that the 6xx's you got were faulty and not working properly. 컬러만 올 블랙으로 바뀐 hd650이라고 보아도 무방합니다. Overall I am happy with their performance, I only feel that the flat sound profile sometimes leaves the low end lacking in my main music music genre (metal core). May 28, 2017 · But if you enjoy vocals and a deeper vertical soundstage or more accurate treble and bass, go with HD650. Pros: Technical ability clearly better then the HD6xx Aug 30, 2020 · Sennheiser’s HD 600-series is undoubtedly one of, if not the most, successful and beloved audiophile headphone line-up ever created. Their sound is close to perfect. Both feature accurate, detailed mid-range reproduction though. May 10, 2021 · ゼンハイザーについてはHD 650といった定番ヘッドホンを含むコンシューマー事業のスイスのSonova(ソノヴァ)への売却が決定しており、HD 650の今後も心配ではあります。 HD 650が欲しいならHD 6XXも含めて早めに決断したほうがいいかもしれません。 I just purchased the hd6xx and the modi 3E with the Magni Heresy. The warmth, the clarity and the bass is great. As someone who conquered many Audeze’s and ZMF’s the 6xx frame is scary, it also tends to pull at my hair. LCD2 - can be found at a good price if u buy used or on sale, heavy can by issues for some, but not uncomfortable to wear, decent high end, but not too much more than hd650, both have good bass, but I give lcd2 the edge, slight distortion, but less than hd650. People debate the 600 vs 650 to this day, and some prefer one vs the other. Edit: Also if you want the least harsh HD6__ version the 650 is still the way to go. The HD650s are slightly more comfortable and assert less clamping force as compared to the HD600s, but they come with virtually the same headband and have a moulded hard plastic shell with steel exteriors and generous velour padding. The HD6XX is regarded as a cheaper version of the HD650. Both headphones are quite well-balanced and accurate, though the 650 are more accurate in the bass-range, as the 598 are slightly over-emphasized in high-bass. My HD 650 headband hasn’t flaked at all after two years, though stressing the material by stretching it aggressively could cause paint to warp and snap paint isn’t a particularly elastic material. The HD6XX cable is also terminated with a mini 1/8" TRS plug while the Senn HD650 cable is terminated with a 1/4" TRS and also comes with a separate Sennheiser 1/4" female to 1/8" male adapter with short dongle style cable. com The HD 600 is tuned differently, more neutral to the ear than the HD 650 and HD 6XX. HD 650 sounds subjectively richer and able to convey more of the complexities in the music, while sounding less like there are holes carved out of the midrange and treble. Hd650 - best deal, light, not uncomfortable, no high end, good bass, slight distortion. I listen to a wide range of music, sometimes digital, sometimes on vinyl. Sennheiser HD800S vs HD6XX, on Woo Audio WA6-SE When I previously had the HD800, I had it on the WA6-SE, so I thought the HD800S would sound best with the same tube amp. Comfort, price : 650s are lighter and more comfortable (although HEX is also light and comfortable), and considerably cheaper. While both headphones have a similar design, especially in comfort and build quality, the HD 6XX have a more neutral sound profile, which some users may prefer, and their passive soundstage is significantly more immersive. The Elex is like an HD650 with better and more extended bass, more extended highs(no veil), actually has dynamics, and much better speed and detail/resolution. Aug 18, 2021 · On paper the XS looks really good, and the Ananda reminds me most of all of a HD650 with subbass. Bose AE2. More bass roll-off below 100Hz. HD6XX is a mids-centric headphone with a demure treble response. However, the HD 6XX have a more consistent audio delivery, most likely due to their higher clamping force. See full list on soundboxlab. Aug 30, 2020 · Sennheiser’s HD 600-series is undoubtedly one of, if not the most, successful and beloved audiophile headphone line-up ever created. 2. From all the headphones I tried (DT880 Edition (black), DT880 Edition (silver), DT990, K702, HD 599, HD 600, HD 650), this is the closest to the neutral sound that I want. The 598 are quite a bit more comfortable, thanks to their better padding, and less tight-fitting design. The difference comes down to the foam directly behind the driver. More detailed, crisp, more neutral than the HD6XX. My current headphones are HD6XX, no amp or dac. The HD58X has a more balanced sound a slightly larger soundstage. There's not much to split the Sennheiser HD 650 and the Sennheiser HD 600. One decision. I prefer open back for the better sound stage. With the pandemic couldn’t listen to my system. HD 650: This was an attempt to improve on the 600. HD6xx. Plenty of measurements have been done on both HD650 and HD6XX and have shown the same results. The SHP9500 bass is like an old man's fart. The HD650 first came to be back in 2003, but I will be using the HD6XX for this showdown. The Sennheiser HD 6XX are a revision of the Sennheiser HD 650 that are only available through the Drop website. Bass is punchy, but it is not a bassy headphone. I think the 660S2 will be going back for a refund, just wanted to hear them directly back to back with the nano and see how they compared, plus give me an idea of what they are like vs the HD650 too. Furthermore, I came across the HD6XX by Drop (massdrop) which further complicated matters because I'm not sure if I can expect a drop off in quality between it and the HD650. TBH if you have no issue with applying some EQ, the 990 might actually be the better option. I own HD6XX (re-skined HD650), DT900 pro x, sundara and even the r70x (i know thats a lot and i own more headphones than i should but i actually have more XD) For comfort and all rounder, i agree with the R70X user, they are one of the lightest pair of headphones that i ever tried, although thier pads might be a bit thin for preference, and the Apr 22, 2001 · hd6xx의 디자인은 hd650과 거의 차이가 없습니다. A mixer's take on Sennheiser HD 490 Pro (especially compared to the HD 650) Review I'd maybe give it a 6/7 against a solid 8+ for the HD6XX series. Plus DT990 has very wide and well defined soundstage while HD6xx basically produce 3-blob sound. The Sennheiser HD6XX and the HD650 are like musical dueling gladiators, each wielding sound signatures and aesthetic charm in a battle for your ears. I would go as far to say for high end rigs the HD650 is the better choice at least in the areas I prefer. Jan 17, 2012 · If you get the HD-650, expect less treble, less forward mids and less detail. The 650 also feel a In this updated guide, I will put Sennheiser HD650 vs HD660s to the ultimate test. I've been proclaiming here that the 650 and 6xx are exactly the same but in fact they aren't. It's like they have more treble. HD600 – Mostly crisp and good, but mid-range is a bit too forward around 3kHz. There are plenty of other reviewers that put the HD600 and HD650/6XX above the HD660S. They also don't require a headphone to drive them adequately. The HD650 feels a lot more solid. I would 100% go this route and this will in no way sound worse than an apple dongle plus a bigger amp. So I sold the HD6XX, gave away the HE400is and ended up buying the Sundaras and have been so freaking impressed. Okay. As for 600 vs 6XX (650), really, maybe you have read it before but they are ALMOST the same, like 90% the same, to put it a number. The 560S are more comfortable, and their passive soundstage performance is a bit better. With EQ the HD 650. I know the clamping force of HD650 is a lot lighter than HD6xx, is HD650 earcup slightly bigger than HD6xx? Archived post. Sennheiser HD 660 S vs HD650 vs HD6XX Headphones - Open Back | 1 Ω Time for everyone's favorite topic of discussion; I've seen many posts about this on reddit and other audiophile sites that seem to contradict each other depending on when they were posted but what I've gathered so far is that all 3 of these headphones have just about the same If the HD 650 / HD 6XX is too smooth, narrow or "veiled" for your tastes, I'd suggest you try the Beyerdynamic DT 990: it is the ying to the HD 650's yang. The HD6XX does have a different finish, but the design should be similar. Updates: 5/14/19. For many years after their release, the HD 600 ($399) and HD 650 ($499/$220) were considered by many to be the standard for reference-class headphones; enamoring listeners with a sound that is often described as highly musical, natural, and remarkably accurate. The HD660S although dark neutral in tone is still very clear and present. There is such a huge difference from bluetooth quality vs an amp decoding master quality audio . The more I browse around I’ve heard a lot of praise for the AirPods max as well, but not a lot of comparison between the max and the 6xx, probably because they are a couple hundred difference in Dec 6, 2024 · Wholesale site Drop has taken to partnering with audio companies to offer products at a discount, but are they any good? The site has partnered with Sennheiser to release two dramatically-cheaper options in both the Drop x Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee ($149 at Drop), and now the Drop x Sennheiser HD 6XX. Both are made in Ireland. I love the detail and clearness of the HD600, the hd650 are much easier to listen to for long periods of time, they may lack a small bit (very small) of detail compared to the 600 but the extra bass and warmth really helps make music a fun experience. hd600 그릴과 hd650 헤드패드를 장착한 제 hd580과 스까 놓으면 동일 모델에 컬러만 다른 것으로 보일 정도입니다. I felt the HD650 on the specific rigs just had more naturalness to them, vocals breathed emotion which the Atticus still has but the closed design and cup reverb I felt masked something extra the HD650 did so well. Oct 8, 2019 · The HD650/6XX don't start getting peaks until around 9000hz I think, which is closer to real extension ie the parts which can sound too soft by how one sings as well as how human hearing can psychologically ignore frequencies beyond the midrange when there are mid tones audible can get accentuated. Given The HD 660 S is more similar in design to the HD 650, but the way it controls airflow and some of the other advancements trickled down from the HD 800 and HD 700 help the HD 660 S have better separation than the HD 650, so I think it still works well with my crazy surround processors (Sennheiser GSX 1000, Creative sound blaster products, and That said, if you wanted to see a post differentiating the HD650/HD6XX from the Sundara (and Clear for that matter), you can read up this post. I have AKG 240 studio monitor 600 ohm likely 15 years old. 100% great point on the HD6xx quality in the price bracket; the Elex wowed me in the oluv's gadget's sound demo, but at my level of active listening, there wasn't a huge 3-4x level difference from him alternating to the HD600s - diminishing returns definitely. Whereas bass extension and midrange reproduction are pretty similar between the two, the increased treble energy of the SHP9500 makes it sound a lot "livelier", but also a bit sharp/shrieky at times. It's a tough choice. I'm really glad Sennheiser released the HD 560S just now. Yes, I said it. I honestly think they are better in almost every way than the HD6XX for me personally. K612 has wider soundstage and more instrument separation over the hd 650, the sound is more neutral, and more open, but also require a really good neutral amp for them, they can get loud out of anything including an iPod classic but it'll sound nerfed a bit, I'd aim at something like the desktop stack such as the liquid spark stack or topping L30/E30. It will be quite shocking coming from HD6XX. The HD600 is a very analytic and neutral pair of headphones, compared to the HD650, it has less bass and a bit more treble (some say it has a better soundstage, also). HD650 has more upper midrange, making the midrange more frontal and vocals closer to the mouth of the singer. Especially when it comes to playing high quality audio. I'm gonna return the HD 650 and keep the 560S. The HD650 is a warm pair, it has a lot more bass than the HD600, a mid-bass hump, and a treble roll off. Sennheiser HD 650. In the 600 it's 1 piece, the 650 2 pieces, the 6xx 1 thick piece. But here is the question, - is the Edition XS a better headphone, when it comes to details and soundstage compared to a HD650? Do any of you have the Edition XS and a HD6XX? All opinions are more then welcome. Nov 4, 2022 · Sennheiser HD 6xx and the Sennheiser HD 650 are fabulous headphones, especially for gamers. Everyone is going to say the one they like is the best Dec 27, 2009 · I love the HD650 and HD600 but my personal favorite of all the “old guard” headphones (K701, DT880, HD6xx) will always be the DT880. Not pictured is my girlfriends HD650 with black mesh. Both Drop headphones are still TLDR at bottom. Though they are the exact same headphones. It's fine for you to have a different opinion and prefer the HD660S but it's not totally out there or like Resolve is the only one with this opinion, in fact I'd guess I've seen more people prefer the HD600/HD6XX over the HD660S than the other way around. Channel matching on HD6XX is just as good as HD650. This was released in 2003 and also became a legendary headphone. It added a little bit of bass (which many argue the 600 lacked) and some warmth to the sound, but it also added a bit of a ‘veil’ to the sound. HD6xx / HD650 with EQ I'm currently using AKG K371s, but would like to upgrade to the HD6xx - my only qualm lies with the huge subbass falloff it has. I will suggest research up a tier to the edition xs, aeon open x closed x , and dt1990 pro to feel like an upgrade. HiFiMan Ananda. HD600 is clearer, faster, less distorted and harder hitting than the HD650, but is the difference that big?, Grain, less bass extension, that 3k shout peak and less warmth and bass than the HD650 do deter me from getting the HD600 even if I plan to EQ, they might be too fatiguing. This is a commonly discussed thing, but when trying to decide whether or not I should buy the HD6XX (which for those not acquainted with Massdrop is basically the HD650), I still had a ton of questions; I wound up just impulsively buying the HD6XX’s one night but still felt like I was taking a gamble on whether or not these would be an improvement over the HD598’s Jun 14, 2018 · Sennheisr HD650/6XX $367: These are a headphone that probably need no introduction. They have an airiness to them without being too harsh - at least for the 600 ohm model. It’s not a rebrand, the HD 6XX is a special edition. 35mm jacks: the exact opposite of Sennheiser’s configuration. Both the Sennheiser HD600 and HD650 are actually virtually identical in build with very subtle differences. HD 650 vs. You may like it or not. Jan 31, 2023 · Sennheiser HD 660 S vs HD650 vs HD6XX Time for everyone's favorite topic of discussion; I've seen many posts about this on reddit and other audiophile sites that seem to contradict each other depending on when they were posted but what I've gathered so far is that all 3 of these headphones have just about the same sound quality with some minor Just like the HD650 / HD6XX will continue to be worth it at a lower cost, despite also rolling off in the bass. Idk to sum it up there is no comparison between a proper wired head phone/amp dac setup vs wireless headphones that can be plugged in with a wire. Sep 21, 2018 · HD650 vs HD6xx comparison. Sennheiser HD6XX vs HD650 quality question Comparison Request Tl;dr: I dont know if there are compromises in the manufacture of the Sennheiser HD6XX because its crowdsourced and potentially built to a different price point to the HD650 its based on. I'm looking at AT's ATH-R70x's and Sennheiser's 6xxHD series, specifically the HD600's and HD650's. I've had the HD650 for about 3 weeks and absolutely love them. Because the HD6XX is a little more resolving, I enjoy my HD6XX for classical and some jazz. HD6XX has absolutely amazing smooth and warm mids, but for me that's just not enough to win in this battle against DT990. HD6XX is noticeable better in both resolution and separation. They are driven by a Topping D50S -> DROP THX AAA 789. Just like the HD800 the ‘S’ edition had a massive Use it wired to the iPhone. But why do they win? And what if I hate Sennheiser like my enemy #1? We have dealt with everything in our superb guide. The headband is also metal. The shear volume of HD6xx's vs HD650's means you will see more issues with the HD6xx's then you would the other. As I replied to @Aakshey, the HD 6XX are in fact HD 650 with a different color and different accessories. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. HD-650 is quite forgiving of bad recordings with it's stock cable, but does improve with a better amp/dac of course. The plastics in the HD650 are more dense and feel far more robust than those on the AKG. I don't know whether the HD6XX quality matches up, but it is probably still far more robust than the AKG. May 3, 2021 · My HD 650 is a dud, 3/4 db down starting at 1500 hz compared to a non dud. 650 is going to be less fatiguing and more mild and darker for long listening- but the initial appeal of 990’s exciting sound is definitely attention grabbing! For me, HD6XX/650 is my least favorite of the HD6-series. 2 days ago · The epic Sennheiser battle—HD600 vs HD650 vs HD6XX—has led you here. HD6XX is basically an HD650 which has been created for professional work, and sound engineers in mind where those parameters are critical for work, and that's the reason for narrow soundstage because wider soundstage means some instruments should sound more distant (lower) to make listener feels the depth of the stage. I had HD6XX and my son is currently using DT990 Pro 80 Ohms. It also comes with a shorter 1. roxy17 The total cost for the hd6xx in Europe is €270 euro. Reply reply Jan 2, 2024 · You'll find plenty of videos/articles comparing the two, but my brief impressions, owning both the HD6XX (essentially a 650) and HD600, is that the 6XX sounds smoother, perhaps slightly more resolving (there's less "grain" in the sound), with a less shouty upper midrange and more even treble, and a fuller sounding, yet softer, mid bass. Let’s begin: Sennheiser HD650 At A Glance Nov 11, 2018 · So, from left to right: HD800, HD650 (silver damping), HD600 (black damping), HD545. Like you said, well broken in. Hd560s to hd650 isnt a significant upgrade especially for the price u listed, i only paid a little bit more for my hd650 so its fine, though im currently selling it to upgrade to something else. The DT770 will definitely be a very different presentation than HD6XX as it is V-shaped, but you might end up enjoying the contrast. Sennheiser HD6XX Open Back Professional Headphones Preferred the HD800S over the HD650. . If you like the HD650, try a Focal/Massdrop Elex. However, the 6XX are better built and may appeal to those who want audio professional-style headphones. AKG K240 Studio. And for sure The first thing you will notice is that the HD6XX has a lot less treble energy. I also have listening tests with a set of pads I highly recommend purchasing if you need them, and these are the Sennheiser HD 650. The HD 6XX have a more consistent audio delivery across different listeners. Which does happen no QC in the world is perfect. 7/30/19. The HD6XX/HD650 are relatively efficient headphones but still require a bit more power than the output that a smartphone or PC could produce. May 11, 2018 · The Sennheisers are really outdated for the money I find. Their lack of a fatiguing factor is their only redeeming quality for the money, but according to everyone the Sundara has that too. The frequency response of the current HD650 (and Massdrop HD6XX) is a bit more ‘linear’ and ‘smoother’ in upper mids and the treble. Now I don't have the hd600 any more, but I do have the HD650 which has a noticeably fuller bass. Jan 1, 2025 · First impressions. The HD6XX came to be back in 2016 when Massdrop collaborated with Sennheiser to make the legendary $500 HD650s be able to be sold for $200. May 20, 2024 · But compared to HD 650… it’s simply not a fair fight. I would say if you have the HD600 or 650 then the only reason to get the 660S2 is if you must have the added sub bass as this is something the Mar 19, 2022 · Click Here For a Shootout Between the Sennheiser HD 598 vs. Complete different than relaxed hd6xx treble. Bought headphone amp (Magni 3 I own both the HD580 (later revision, pretty much a HD600 with plastic grills) and the HD650 and HD6xx (I got parts if one breaks :) ). Oct 9, 2018 · Gap between HD650 and HD600 is so large that if the gap between the Massdrop versions (albeit 150ohms on the HD58X) the HD6XX looks like the better buy, price wise. Jul 10, 2023 · HD6XX – Strikes a nice balance of airy, light, yet still crisp and impactful. The 650s are probably a better value for the money, although HEX is clearly superior in a number of areas; it just depends how much you value those areas Jan 19, 2021 · The cable on the Massdrop HD6XX is also shorter than the stock cable on the HD650. But the HD800 S improves the HD650 in terms of clarity, soundstage, imaging and detail, in my opinion by hd660s2 vs hd650 vs hd600 vs hd 560s for primarily competitive FPS and great for movies/music too Headphones - Open Back My primary goal of getting a good headphone was for competitive FPS gaming and landed on PC38X but then found out the HD 560S is better for that area as well as delivering better performance for Movies and Music. In other words, too shouty at times. Subbass - K371 vs. Coming from hd6xx, the treble on hifimans is either love or hate kind of thing. Ngl I don’t usually (never have before) complain about a headphones Ergos but the HD6xx line has some of the most annoying Clamping pressure in a headphone straight out of the box. But, comparing all the features and use abilities, I strongly recommend you go with Sennheiser HD 6XX because it offers you some of the best properties that will significantly impact you while listening. Beyers tend to be hit or miss with people because of how strident the treble is. The HD 650 and HD 6XX are sonically identical. I recently received a few pairs of the HD6XX (new from Drop. DT770 PRO 250 OHM VS DT 990 PRO VS HD650 For Producing (Mainly EDM (Tech House/Dubstep)) DAC/AMP for HD6xx - iFi Zen DAC V2 vs Fiio K5 Pro vs Topping DX3Pro+ LDAC The Sennheiser HD 600 and the Sennheiser HD 6XX are open-back headphones with similar overall performances, and they're both great for neutral sound. If you're anything like yours truly, you've probably burned the midnight oil, toggling between tabs trying to figure out which of these acoustic champs would be the crown jewel in your sound kit. I've seen it recently when browsing Custom cans his channel on YouTube. They prefer the HD650/6XX sound. My favorites are HD600, 660S, and 660S2, depending on my mood and what I'm listening to. It was kind of an impulse buy but this combination was praised on a lot of threads. rtj rjmnbeov bijsrpu dlm zbd ajqpih jaetlz hrr qnhqut ozixksn qch bwmirku xtjow dwpzs ouzyf