- Stata egen group stata. , Dept 0946, room 174 La Jolla, CA; 92093-0946 -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] On Behalf Of Mike Kim Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 10:06 AM To Aug 10, 2017 · 大大大大大新闻 ————自公众号推送视频讲解环节以来,深受广大读者朋友的喜爱。 近日向我们提问的粉丝也是大幅增加呐!为了便捷管理相关信息,提高工作效率,我们对提问方式做了略微调整哟~提问者需点击推文底部“ 阅读原文 ”下载爬虫俱乐部用户问题登记表并按要求填写后发送至邮箱 egen group函数生成的为什么是乱序分组编号? - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Aug 1, 2014 · I was just bitten by unexpected behavior: I have so many unique combinations on two ID variables, that -egen newid = group(id1 id2)- produced a float variable with 5. I have made an attempt to cycle through each observation and use egen rowwise (see below) but it keeps count as missing (as initialised) and is not very efficient (I have 50,000 observations). And here is how: 1- The hint is that you can't "standardize" by group, but you can take mean and standard deviations by group. Generating variable by groups taking values of certain Dec 16, 2023 · egenmore是一个用于 Stata 的扩展包,包含了一组扩展的egen函数,超出了 Stata 内置的egen函数集。这些扩展函数提供了更广泛的操作,包括字符串处理、时间序列分析、数值运算、数据分组和汇总等,进一步增强了 Stata 在数据处理和分析中的功能。 Sep 28, 2022 · 关于数据五等分 STATA 1、egen命令+cut()函数. co. 0. Sep 12, 2024 · 在Stata中分组处理数据库的方法包括:使用by命令、egen函数、xtset命令、collapse命令。 其中,使用by命令和egen函数是最常见的方法。by命令可以帮助我们在分组的基础上执行操作,egen`函数可以创建分组变量或计算分组统计量。 在Stata中,分组处理数据库的方法有多种,其中常用的包括:使用by命… Apr 4, 2020 · I'am new in this forum. You cannot do that with generate . 2. I've studied Stata at my university for about 2 years, and now i'am preparing a paper for my graduation. UCSD - Hamilton Glaucoma Center Tel: 858-5345334 / Fax: 858-8220615 [email protected] 9500 gilman Dr. Here as often "percentile" is ambiguous. e. Mar 6, 2012 · I'm using Stata, and I'm trying to compute the average price of firms' rivals in a market. gen与egen均能生成一个新变量,但二者用法有所不同。gen主要进行加减乘除、幂次等基本运算,而egen使用函数(mean, max等)来为新变量取值,egen命令无法使用任何运算符生成变量值。 gen与egen中的 sum()函数. 然后,egen函数使用rank()函数将每个观测值按组内rdincome大小计算排名。 stata中egen的用法 Stata是数据分析和统计学软件中广泛使用的一种。它具有强大的数据处理和可视化功能,特别是通过egen函数可以轻松地进行数据整理和生成新变量。 bysort G (X) : gen max_X = X[_N] would do it if no X were ever missing. Contrary to general pedagogic practice, I start with examples that are about as tricky as is common (bad news first) and end with examples where handles for sorting into the desired order already exist (good news follows). Sep 30, 2020 · Svend Juul's great teaching materials (Introduction to Stata 7 and Introduction to Stata 8) are introductory textbooks in my beginning of Stata use. You need to install -rowsort- first. Stata first calculates the product Nov 16, 2022 · What egen, max() does is exclude missings from the calculation, and, only if all the values in each group are missing, will the maximum be returned as missing. Aug 7, 2017 · 所以,贴心的小编打算让大家放松放松,回顾并复习一下之前学过的命令,这一次让我们总结一下 egen 这个强大的命令吧! gen与egen的区别 一般来说,我们会使用 gen 来产生一个新的变量、或者生成一个字符型变量、或者直接跟一个计算表达式如 gen y=x1+4*x2,虽然 Feb 20, 2018 · Stata: using egen group() to create unique identifiers. bysort sorts the data so we can calculate the mean by groups. Modified 9 years, but you can combine egen's rowtotal and total functions to achieve this. 表达式 (expression);3. This is a rather painful legacy of the 80s as compared to R where you can define a function inline and forget it after it was used. 关于egen y=group (x*)命令的正确解释及其解决 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Jan 17, 2018 · If you just want a unique ID, you can do "egen X = group(A B)" but if you want to replicate "X" then, since B is sorted in descending order, you'd have to do "gsort A -B, gen(X)" 1 like Comment Feb 19, 2020 · stata画折现图 两点内容: 第一,gen与egen 的区别: gen比价直观的生成了变量,但是对于复杂情形,比如进行分组或者是按要求分组的情况进行计算则可以使用egen,: 下图为执行egen var3=group(var1 var2)显示结果此外还有分组求平均值等等类型。 Nov 24, 2016 · Thankfully, Stata has a beautiful function known as egen to easily calculate group means and standard deviations. Nick [email protected] Owen Corrigan My data contains individual observations (taking a value 0-8 on indep variable X) divided into small unequal groups, where each group is uniquely identified by a grouping variable (G stata 等距分组-查看分组结果。list id var group. 1 Apr 27, 2019 · I have a basic question about what egen and its group function is supposed to do. Stata will know that it means if foreign == 1 or if foreign ~= 1. And I needed Stata to deal with a 25000 observation dataset Here's a little of it: id region salaries weight 1 1 1200 23. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Feb 21, 2015 · egen variable_name = cut(X), group(4) xtile variable_name = X, nq(4) * Continuous variable X. Percent Cum. sysuse auto. -search egen v1 = group(var1) egen v3 = group(var1 var3) 可以看到group,是对【属于同一组的的观测】进行【标同样的序号】的处理,而group后括号中的变量则为【标识观测是否为同一组的观测的属性】,即括号中的变量完全相同则可以认为属于同一组,则它们具有相同的组号。 Jan 20, 2016 · I used the following function to create the median of a variable called “GAI” in my sample: egen median_GAI = median(GAI), by (fyear) Now, I need to create a dummy variable that says: if the GAI of a CEO in year x, is higher than the median_GAI variable for that CEO in that specific year, then = 1, and this 1, should be labeled as Generalist. summarize group, meanonly . A gloss on David's trick is as follows. Hi, say you want the 25th percentile: sort year by year: egen p25 = pctile(price), p(25) Hope this helps! Mario On 7/16/05, Yvonne Capstick <[email protected]> wrote egen group报错variable __000001 not found r(111),egen group函数生成的为什么是乱序分组编号?,egen group报错variable __000001 not found r(111),求解决egen group不能和by连用的困惑,按VAR1进行分组,我想知道每组中VAR2中共有多少不同的取值,egen+group不能与by连用。 Jan 19, 2022 · The "egen" command is a more powerful version of the generate command, making some c In this video, we will look at the "extended generate" command in Stata. How can I do this in SAS? Jan 20, 2024 · 在Stata中,`bysort`命令被用于对数据集按照一个或多个变量进行排序并按组执行命令。`bysort`命令的基本语法如下: ``` bysort varlist: command ``` 其中,`varlist`是用于排序的一个或多个变量,`command`是要在每个组中执行的任何命令。 I believe the following will do the job: egen var1 = group (id title) Luciana Luciana M. May 18, 2011 · Summing those 1s and 0s cumulatively gives the desired variable. Fill panel when there are two i identifiers and one t time. For example, egen, group() could be used to group values according to one or more variables, and then the same method could be used on the resulting variable. > > So finally, my question is Apr 29, 2013 · To rank in descending order, just negate the variable (or more generally the expression) on which you are ranking. Depending on fcn(), arguments, if present, refers to an expression, varlist, or a numlist, and the options are similarly fcn dependent. It didn't work either. egen c=group(race sex smokes) //对race sex Nov 16, 2022 · _n is the Stata way of referring to the observation number; in a 10-observation dataset, _n takes on the values 1, 2, , 10. com 6 egen gen与egen. levelsof group, local(lm_group) foreach group in `lm_group' { levelsof value if group == `group', local(lm_value) replace value = `lm_value' if group == `group' } Apr 21, 2020 · egen newid = group(w_id h_id) and for a small number of identifiers -- you mention 50 -- there is no pain in asking for values to be labelled, so that with . You can also cut out the middle macro(s). The manual entry for [R] summarize tells us that to calculate medians we need to specify the detail option and that the median is left behind in memory in r(p50) . The original meaning of any percentile was a value such that so many percent are below and the complementary percent are above. There may be times that you would like to convert a continuous variable into groups. } There is one common need we should mention. Loops with egen in Stata. group value 1 . Aug 31, 2013 · egen combined with anycount() is not applicable in this case because the argument for the value() option is not a constant integer. For instance, it is possible to compute the max, the mean and the min for each group and add them as a variable in the detailed data set. Nov 16, 2022 · Now the number of groups is identifiable from . 数列 (numlist)。 其中,变量运算可以分为对多个样本进行运算的单变量运算函数 (varname) 和对多个变量运算的多变量运算函数 (varlist) 。 This works great. The Stata command is one line of code : by group : egen max = max(x) Mar 3, 2021 · egenmore是一个用于 Stata 的扩展包,包含了一组扩展的egen函数,超出了 Stata 内置的egen函数集。这些扩展函数提供了更广泛的操作,包括字符串处理、时间序列分析、数值运算、数据分组和汇总等,进一步增强了 Stata 在数据处理和分析中的功能。 Mar 10, 2016 · Dear Carole and Nick, Thank you for your help! The string version worked! The regular command of "egen group=group(sex married children), label" yields the same problem as the one I mention above, but just adds a label to the combination of characteristics. But, the easy way to deal with things like time lags in each panel member is to get the panel setup done. list make if ~ foreign Back to top. list make if foreign . Nov 16, 2022 · In the simplest case, we have a binary variable recording whether, for example, persons are male or female, unemployed or employed, or whatever, and some group variable, like a variable recording a family identifier. Jun 3, 2020 · I am trying to find the equivalent of the Stata code "egen group" in SAS. The values are weighted by frequency. Nov 5, 2023 · 例:对省份进行分组统计频数使用Stata中的egen函数结合tabulate函数来实现。 首先,创建一个新的变量作为分组变量,用于将不同的省份划分到相应的组别。 假设你想根据东部、中部和西部来进行分组,你可以使用类似… Nov 19, 2022 · Stata https://www. The Sep 29, 2015 · Thanks Nick. egen v1 = group (var1) egen v3 = group (var1 var3) 程序运行结果如下: 可以看到group,是对【属于同一组的的观测】进行【标同样的序号】的处理,而group后括号中的变量则为【标识观测是否为同一组的观测的属性】,即括号中的变量完全相同则可以认为属于同一组,则它们 Group-based trajectory modelling; Sequence analysis; Time-series analysis; Difference-in-differences; PART IV: TEST YOUR SKILLS; Data management and description. The egen function is used to create new variables. I want to create a new variable which will assign a different ordinal number for each combination of values of x, y, and z. in a supplied numlist. The goal is: I have three variables x, y, and z. -egen, group()- is only going to produce an equivalent result if there are no ties. 때문에, 목적 자체는 generate 과 마찬가지로 새로운 변수를 생성하는 것이지만, egen 은 여러 함수와 함께 사용할 수 있다는 특징 / 장점을 가지고 있다. regardless of many Stata users' unwillingness to believe it. No need for egen at all (a command that many people who only use Stata occasionally often find bizarre). Apr 9, 2015 · Stata: using egen group() to create unique identifiers. 1. Jun 2, 2018 · Stata: using egen group() to create unique identifiers. local max = r(max) Typically, then you loop over groups: . When _n is combined with by , however, _n is the observation number within by-group, in this case, within oldid . 显然,某个观察值被分到第一组还是第二组,并不是由 group() 函数决定的,而是它之前的 sort 命令决定的。 如果诸位此时输入 help sort 命令查看其帮助文件,就会发现他有一个唯一的选项——stable(我用了十几年的 Stata,今天才发现原来 sort 命令还有选项! Apr 28, 2019 · April 28, 2019. . html グルー Oct 4, 2021 · The focus of this column is on methods to produce such ordering or ranking of groups, which in practice often hinges on some convenient functions in egen. Number of groups in esttab (after xtmixed) 0. Sorry! I know it should be very basic. This is consistent with post #3: your code works with fewer observations. To create a mean with egen we use the following syntax: egen nameofnewvariable=mean(nameofoldvariable) As you want a rank, I suggest the use of -egen, rank()-. Jun 11, 2014 · Stata has a very nice command, egen, which makes it easy to compute statistics over group of observation. I would like to create a group variable which tells me in which quartile an observation falls into according to the value of a variable. group() option. t be combined with by. And 1 goes before 4 goes before 8, even if 1 is the first digit of a value of 10. Dec 19, 2021 · Note: the reults do not agree with your calculation for the non-promoted group in the example. I would like to assign unique numeric values to each level of "entity" so that I can absorb it (along with other fixed effects) using -reghdfe-. -egen, group()- always produces integers 1 up. I know how to use egen when I want to find mean and standard deviation of some values but how can I use it when I have frequency as well. Let’s use our trusty auto. dta ***** clear. Thus you need only find the highest such integer. In contrast grouplabs creates easily readable and understandable labels from the original variables' value labels, variable labels, or variable names as a last resort. egen group_id = group egen 전용 함수(fcn( )) 분류 ' fcn( ) '은 egen 전용 함수를 뜻하며, 함수에 따라 괄호 안의 값은 표현식, 변수리스트, 숫자리스트를 넣을 수 있습니다. Alencar, M. How would this be extended to identifying groups that differ on at least one of two or more variables? One way would be to use egen. ranking in any strict statistical sense, whereby to a first approximation n observations are ranked 1 to n, or vice versa. Stata - panel data from column data. egen stands for extensions to generate and is used mainly for more advanced operations than can be handled with the gen command. 运行结果如下: Oct 20, 2012 · egen is being parsed by Stata, and you can write extensions to it using Stata ado-code. 2 11 2 . The "non-promoted group" here consists only of id 3, and id3 has three observations, each with edu = 4, so the mean education for the group is (3*4)/4, not (3*2)/2. Although Stata has a general rule that numeric missing is larger than any other numeric value, it assumes when calculating maxima that you really want the largest nonmissing value. There are several ways to achieve this in Stata, in this post we'll use the egen command. In the speech presentation attached in #7, What he refered to as faults, traps and clumsiness are still widespread in Stata. Specifying this option automatically invokes icodes. You can use egen with the cut () function to do this quickly and easily, as illustrated below. 60e+07 as its maximum, which doesn't have enough precision to make the whole exercise useful (i. different newid values will be rounded together). Linear regression Jul 27, 2020 · The egen mean function makes creating means easy. I really appreciate your help. marginal income tax rate See Mitchell (2010) for numerous examples using egen. * Example generated by -dataex-. AnyMatch. Apr 17, 2022 · I keep running into this issue where I want to be able to assign a group id using the egen var = group(), by() command, but Stata doesn't let you use , by() option with the egen group command. As we cycle over the groups within the loop, we often wish to display the identifier of the current group. egen 함수를 주제별로 분류해서 설명합니다. Generate variables by many different groups. Mar 15, 2020 · このブログでは、統計解析ソフトStataのプログラミングのTipsや便利コマンドを紹介しています.Facebook groupでは、ちょっとした疑問や気づいたことなどを共有して貰うフォーラムになっています. ブログと合わせて個人の学習に役立 Jun 12, 2014 · I am trying to do something conceptually fairly simple. forvalues i = 1/`max' { something for each group. AnyCount. ( I will have to do this not only for "firm" but also for "value" and other variables) 2. Statistical significance; Differences and associations; Statistical data modelling. Aug 25, 2017 · 可以看到, gen与group搭配,不能对sex race两个变量进行分组,这时候group就需要与 egen 结合使用了。 egen b=group(sex race) //生成一个按race、sex分组的变量,默认情况下,缺失值不参与分组. anymatch Stata: using egen group() to create unique identifiers. Glitch in the seq() function of Jun 28, 2017 · egen 이라는 명령어는 “Extensions to generate” 이라는 뜻에서도 알 수 있듯이, generate 명령어의 확장판이다. Sometimes you need to split a variable into groups. egen b_1=group(race sex), missing //缺失值参与分组. I can merge in Stata easily enough using multiple merge variables. However, some of the variables contain missing data, resulting in the corresponding identifier having a missing value. 这种分割方法,是对感兴趣的变量的取值进行排序,然后变量的实际取值五等分。 Jun 3, 2020 · 1. Nov 24, 2016 · Thankfully, Stata has a beautiful function known as egen to easily calculate group means and standard deviations. sysuse bplong, clear **Notice that gender-patient does not uniquely idenitfy our observations sort sex patient *Flag the row numbers where Stata sorted the "before" observations for each person gen flag_before1 = _n if when == 1 *Do the exact same sort as above sort sex patient *Again flag the row numbers where Stata sorted the "before Remarks and examples Remarks are presented under the following headings: Summary statistics Generating patterns Marking differences among variables Ranks Standardized variables Row functions Categorical and integer variables String variables U. No matter, as what you want requires only one command line. Combining egen mean with by processing in Stata makes this a breeze, even when cluster sizes differ. Oct 31, 2013 · Even if egen were not available, or did not work like this, this kind of one-liner is possible in Stata, and will be more efficient than calling egen: bysort group (flag) : gen grpflag = flag[_N] However, that would be thrown by missings on flag , so you would need to work around that. egen newid = group(w_id h_id), label the pair (1, 1) would be mapped to the value 1 and the value label 1 1. Jan 15, 2015 · Stata doesn't have it but you can very easily do it yourself. what it supports with its egen, group() function. 在上面的示例中,我们首先使用`egen`命令计算变量`var`的最小值和最大值,然后使用`cut`函数将变量分成10个等距的组,并将结果存储在新变量`group`中。最后,我们使用`list`命令查看分组结果。 Sep 22, 2023 · what Stata supports with its egen, rank() function. . Apr 16, 2016 · The first time around the loop, i is set to 1, and Stata summarizes the response using weight for observations with values of group equal to 1. For example, you might want to convert a continuous reading score that ranges from 0 to 100 into 3 groups (say low, medium and high). Now I would like to know the frequencies for each value in "ndistinct" over all the combinations of "entity" and "year". does it add or multiply the variables contained the group argument Code: webuse egenxmpl6, clear /// egen racesex = group(race sex) It seems as though egen, group() isn't generating unique groups. anycount(varlist), values(numlist) returns the number of variables in varlist equal to any integer value in numlist. I therefore created labels for each > of the indicators akin to > lab def av 1 "a=1" 0 "a=0" > lab def bv 1 "b=1" 0 "b=0" > . My question is: why, and how do I create unique groups in a robust way? Can you please post a reproducible example? For example, the complete offending code with a minimal data input that recreates the problem. Is there any difference Jul 24, 2019 · Stata creates the coding in that order because it sorts the 'capacity' alphabetically. I also tried to combine by with egen group. Stata and basic concepts; Descriptive analysis; Basic statistical analysis. (내용을 클릭하면 해당 게시글로 이동합니다) Oct 8, 2014 · Then I move to Stata for merging and standardizing over many raw data files befure ultimate analytical work in Stata. egen max_X = max(X), by(G) is a safer way to do it. (Small print on cases of equali Aug 3, 2015 · Stata sum by group. egen rowtotal (Stata) equivalent in R? 0. 变量 (varlist);2. group函数是用来干嘛的? - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) stata一直报错unknown egen function group(),我重新安装了stata也不行 11 个回复 - 6224 次查看 stata一直报错unknown egen function group(),我重新安装了stata也不行,但是在别人的电脑上运行就可以,不知道是不是我电脑设置的问题,这个问题困扰我好几天了,又要忙于做数据,恳求各位高手帮帮忙啊! 实际数据处理和分析工作中,除了使用Stata自身提供的gen和egen命令外,还经常需要结合Stata的其他命令和函数进行数据清洗和分析。结合Stata中的if条件语句、replace命令等,能够实现对数据进行非常精细的处理操作。 functions may be used with egen, and conversely, only egen may be used to run egen functions. 4. Thanks, Don On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote: > Here is an example. 65 Sep 20, 2024 · 在Stata中分组处理数据库的方法有以下几种:使用“by”命令、使用“egen”函数进行分组变量创建、使用“collapse”命令进行数据汇总和分组处理。推荐使用“by”命令,因为它灵活、强大且易于使用。在这篇文章中,我们将详细探讨在Stata中分组处理数据库的各种方法及其应用场景。 一、使用“by stata一直报错unknown egen function group(),我重新安装了stata也不行 11 个回复 - 6220 次查看 stata一直报错unknown egen function group(),我重新安装了stata也不行,但是在别人的电脑上运行就可以,不知道是不是我电脑设置的问题,这个问题困扰我好几天了,又要忙于做数据,恳求各位高手帮帮忙啊! Jun 23, 2021 · Is there a nice way in Stata to develop a group mean of a variable and keep the original name? (The original variable is already a cluster-level variable and should preferably retain its name; the idea is to let all individuals in a group get a value on the group variable after appending data. S. ) I end up with something like stata一直报错unknown egen function group(),我重新安装了stata也不行 11 个回复 - 6202 次查看 stata一直报错unknown egen function group(),我重新安装了stata也不行,但是在别人的电脑上运行就可以,不知道是不是我电脑设置的问题,这个问题困扰我好几天了,又要忙于做数据,恳求各位高手帮帮忙啊! Aug 25, 2017 · 可以看到, gen与group搭配,不能对sex race两个变量进行分组,这时候group就需要与 egen 结合使用了。 egen b=group(sex race) //生成一个按race、sex分组的变量,默认情况下,缺失值不参与分组. The functions are specifically written for egen, as documented below . I recently came across a code that used the by() option instead. Values for any observations excluded by either if or in are . R function applied on data frame grouped by multiple factors. Mar 11, 2017 · Name Group X Name_num Tracy 1 91 1 Tracy 1 78 1 Luke 1 82 2 Tracy 2 65 1 Basically, I want to do a by group encode operation. Did you make a mistake, or do I misunderstand the problem? Jan 19, 2018 · *count number of cluster per country egen tag = tag (id_cluster country) egen no_cluster = total(tag), by (country) tabdisp country, cell(no_cluster) Example 1: no_cluster | Freq. Oct 16, 2016 · Up until now I have always the by: prefix in order to egen by groups. Standard Stata command egen group allows creating value labels with option label, however they contain values of the contributing attributes, not their labels. egen c=group(race sex smokes) //对race sex egen 命令中运算函数 fcn 运算对象 arguments 根据使用频率可以分为三类:1. I have tried to do that in this way: by group year: xtile quant=x, nq(4) by it didn't work. D. Jun 19, 2019 · Uses egen count() with by, to create two new variables recording the raw number of employed / unemployed people in the region. However, Stata does not allow using by with encode. 15 2 1 500 7. For that, I tried the egen/group approach. which creates groups of > group(1) "a=1 b=0" > group(2) "a=0 b=0" > group(3) "a=1 b=1" > > However, since there are >=10 of them, the grouped variable value > label is too large to read. ents of that function. group(#) specifies the number of equal frequency grouping intervals to be used in the absence of breaks. lightstone. sysuse auto egen rank = rank(-mpg) functions may be used with egen, and conversely, only egen may be used to run egen functions. egen mean for grand means. I have data that looks like: Market Firm Price ----- 1 1 100 1 2 150 1 3 125 2 1 50 2 2 100 2 3 75 3 1 100 3 2 200 3 3 200 本文是学习B站up主 小志小视界的视频课程的学习笔记。Stata基础:如何产生一个新变量-gen & egen_哔哩哔哩_bilibili代码:* 20220412---stata基础:产生新变量gen与egen input id year x 1 2018 1 1 2019 1 1 … Dec 11, 2017 · Hello, I have a categorical variable in my dataset called "entity", which is a string taking on 568,233 unique values. IPA & GPRL guides for data management of RCTs. dta **Calculate the mean price by foreign/ domestic. jp/stata/index. Egen Functions. Jan 9, 2019 · So, with 80,000,000 observations, you are likely to have more than 16,000,000 groups, and thus some of the ids are losing accuracy. These make the use of Stata be prone to err. May 3, 2017 · I would like to use egen and group to create an identifier variable for observations that contain the same values for a specific set of variables. It returns the number of variables in varlist for which values are equal to any integer value. See help input for creating short example data within a do-file. The prefix command bysort does the sorting required and ensures that this is all done separately within the groups defined by group_id. With "egen tag" and "egen ndistinct" I can find out how many different "firms" each combination of "entity" and "year" (group?) has. 1 10 1 . 2 11 My current solution is a loop, but I suspect there's some clever bysort that I can use. inrz iiv aroig ssqob xea rrhoihb bvyih jszw whcwu lzozaaa soyzyw aukr lijrwce mvog xrrq